Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 1: Whew. We made it.

This morning after I made the inaugural post on the blog (which went up around 6:45) I worked on labeling the binders, starting the very roughest framework of a spreadsheet and writing up 5-A-Day Language and 5-A-Day Math sheets for four kids ... plus one "bonus" school sheet for Henry so he could be a big kid.  The morning was similar to our usual schedule but I added in some math discussion with the older kids.

This afternoon they got their first shot at the 5-A-Days.  We began at 1 p.m.  All their work was done in under an hour and they did some silent reading while I checked their work.  Within about an hour and fourty-five minutes everything was wrapped up and they were on their way outside.  It took me until about 4 p.m. (just over an hour) to make new Five-A-Days for their binders, but that's a bit of an inaccurate measure of time, because it also included suiting, un-suiting and re-suiting people for snow and nursing a baby.  All in all, I think we came out about equal in terms of time invested, but way ahead in other respects.  Tonight I'll need to put in a big "push" to further flesh out the skeleton framework I began in my spreadsheets this morning.

I know I still haven't explained the spreadsheet, the face-to-face conversations or even what a 5-A-Day binder is.  But that will have to wait.  While you are waiting, here are some pics from school work.  Whew.  If only dinner could make itself tonight. ;-)

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